Medha Agarwal

Medha Agarwal

Born in India, I was raised in Dubai where I lived for more than 10 years, before a move to Malaysia following a change in my father’s job. From there, I continued my schooling in Singapore along with an internship in Indonesia. Finally, I returned to India where I graduated from university and found my first job. I started off as a software engineer but, having always wanted to get into more leadership roles, I decided to switch over to become Client Relationship Manager and then Head of HR for my organisation.

As you can see, I have always lived in different regions of Asia. Even today, my family of four lives in three different Asian capitals! Despite this, Asia continues to both intimidate and excite me, and for this reason I want to continue living and growing here. It’s not just about my emotional connection to the region; one cannot deny Asia’s central role in business and economic affairs — it sets the tone for the rest of the world. HKU and its location at the centre of this affluent market allow me to stay close to where I feel I belong, and the University’s impressive history and alumni promise great things for my future.

When I decided to study the HKU MBA I had many expectations of the course and of myself. I knew I wanted to develop valuable hard skills and knowledge, as well as essential soft skills like being able to cope with ambiguity and thinking about situations with a more global mind-set. From the programme, I expected to be exposed to a host of different networking and professional opportunities.

So far, I have not been disappointed. The first few months have been very intense and fast-paced, partly due to the condensed term, but also due to the nature of the course. My time has been consumed not only by my studies, but also by getting to know my classmates, familiarising myself with new industries, and taking advantage of all the networking and career events that are organised by the University. I am looking forward to continuing this journey on the London Business School track next year, which I am sure will provide me with further new experiences and opportunities.