Mary-Jane Newton

Mary-Jane Newton

I am currently Publishing Manager for Asia at Macmillan Education where I oversee the development of educational publications, primarily for the curriculum market in China and South-East Asia. I started my career as an editor and had spent four years in a managerial position, so I was keen to expand my leadership skills and business acumen. Having completed two degrees previously at the renowned King’s College and UCL London, I was not going to settle for less than HKU.

For me, the MBA at HKU represents the opportunity to gain all-round expertise in management, forge relationships with fellow students and alumni, and extend my network of business contacts. I have found the programme to be rich and rewarding, with a broad range of courses, engaging seminars, and inspiring lecturers, plus a large number of high-profile events and international trips. Studying part-time has allowed me to balance work commitments and family life, while also furthering my personal development and progressing my career.

Industry: Publishing
Company: Oxford University Press
Job Title: Regional Market Development Director