Peggy Kwok

Peggy Kwok

I started my career at the French Trade Commission working as trade advisor to facilitate the expansion of French SMEs in Hong Kong and Macau. Playing the role of the interface between the French government and its business community, my job gave me unique exposure to a wide array of French companies, whether multinationals or SMEs, but also to the economic policies of the French government in relation to international trade and its promotion work abroad.

I then realised the necessity to acquire a more formal business education to raise my capabilities and competencies and decided to enroll for an MBA. With its high global ranking, its unique London Business School track offer and finally due to my affinity to my alma mater, I set my heart on the HKU MBA programme. Upon graduation from the HKU MBA programme, I was honoured to be inducted as lifetime member in the Beta Gemma Sigma, an international business honour society which provides an extensive global networking platform with business leaders around the world.

As expected, my MBA experience was extremely enriching. The condensed courses equipped me with technical knowledge in finance, economics and business in an accelerated manner and subsequently enabled me to join a career in the commercial banking of HSBC after graduation. The programme also allowed me to grow my professional and personal network. I enjoyed very much the interactions with my fellow classmates and professors, some of whom I maintain lasting friendships. The highlight of the MBA programme was my four-month study at the London Business School. It has broadened my horizons as I was fortunate to study alongside with a group of high-calibre business leaders from around the world and to work closely with them on a few business cases during the course.

Going into my seventh years after obtaining my MBA, I still feel its tangible benefits in my current role as Senior Manager of StartmeupHK at Invest Hong Kong, a Hong Kong government department responsible for foreign direct investment. Our division helps founders of innovative and scalable startups from overseas to set up in Hong Kong – a role that requires international business knowledge, but also a mindset to embrace changes and value different perspectives and collaboration, all of which I have learned in my highly rewarding MBA programme.