Harry Leung

Harry Leung

I am Harry Leung, originally from Leeds. My life motto is “If I think I can, I can!” Currently, I hold the position of APAC Securities Services Product Development Manager at JPMorgan Hong Kong. In my career and life, I find great fulfillment in helping and motivating others, seeing them achieve their best. I firmly believe in the principle of reciprocity, understanding that what goes around comes around. Others have supported and guided me on my journey, and I strive to do the same for others.

The decision to pursue an MBA stems from my desire to challenge myself in the coming years and study at a top-tier university where I can collaborate with like-minded individuals and foster learning and success in the post-COVID era. With the advent of new technologies and lifestyle advancements such as cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and ChatGPT, the world has entered a new paradigm. By surrounding myself with similarly driven individuals in an MBA programme, I aim to strengthen my mindset, enhance dynamic thinking, and develop a global vision.

When selecting an MBA programme, three key factors were crucial to me: the university brand name, global ranking, and the strength of the alumni network. While I did consider pursuing an online MBA due to my busy work schedule, I ultimately decided to pursue an actual MBA at HKU after thorough research. This will be my first time studying in Hong Kong, and I am confident that the HKU MBA programme is the best choice for me.

Post-MBA, I aspire to break free from conservatism and embrace openness in meeting new connections beyond my industry, exploring other sectors to gain a deeper understanding of how society, the economy, business, and life intertwine. I hope that the HKU MBA will connect me with individuals who will remain lifelong connections and contribute to my continuous growth. Additionally, I seek to leverage the strong HKU Alumni network as a valuable resource for professional advice and guidance.