Vasco Trindade

Vasco Trindade

Since the conclusion in 2003 of my undergraduate studies at UFRGS Law School in Porto Alegre, Brazil, I have served as a business lawyer at one of the most prestigious law firms in my region. During my employment, I have had the opportunity to assist several companies in national and international transactions, gaining deep insights into the business fundamentals involved in each of those deals. The fascinating multidisciplinarity involved in management and business, and their deep connections with my work experience, prompted me to pursue an MBA.

An Asian business school seemed the most logical choice, given the region’s economic dynamism and strengthening ties with Brazil. China, in particular, has increased trade with and investment in my home country considerably in recent years. As the top programme in the region, with the broadest specialisation in Asia and China, the HKU MBA was also a natural choice. As I commence this 14-month journey, I am very enthusiastic about the prospects of acquiring business fundamentals and Asian business exposure, a desire for which brought me here.

Current Status

Employer: Junior Achievement RS​
Position:   Director
Location:  Brazil