Nicolas Quintana

Nicolas Quintana

Industrial Engineer with 7 years of working experience including people management, managerial and leadership positions.

Highly proactive professional, problem solver, multilingual, strong logical thinking capabilities, innovative spirit and emotional intelligence.

Looking forward to building a career in thriving environments which have a close eye on social responsibility.

My major motivation to pursue an MBA at this point in my life is to fulfill the need to acquire a higher degree, much needed in my professional field. In the past years, I have been given more responsibilities, which will definitely be met more appropriately with the practical knowledge an MBA programme can surely provide. Most importantly, I long to obtain the necessary tools to face new professional challenges and push myself along the road of self-improvement and growth. From this experience, I am looking to enrich my social awareness by  meeting different and diverse people, making new connections and broadening my career opportunities.

I have chosen Hong Kong because, after visiting this amazing and vibrant city for the first time, I realized that here is where things are happening. It is definitely Asia’s World City and Asia is and will be playing a central role in the world’s economy. If you see any ranking of countries by GDP, you will find many Asian countries among the top, and in the next 30 years there will be many more. So discovering and understanding Asian cultures is a priority of mine. HKU is a centennial and highly considered institution that created and developed a full time global programme with a Columbia Business School and London Business School track, which immediately drew my attention. After long analysis and numerous discussions with other professionals, it was my chosen programme in order to face the world’s future challenges.

After my MBA, I am looking forward to achieving a management position in a private or public structure, working to high professional standards as well as contributing to society’s wellbeing.

Contributing to the growth of the family business is also amongst my dearest priorities and goals.

My MBA journey started two months ago and although I had high hopes and expectations, it has completely exceeded them, and it seems to be getting better and better. If I have to highlight one aspect of my MBA experience so far, it would definitely be people. I amazed by all the incredible professionals I am sharing my MBA with, not only with my classmates but also with the teachers, external presenters and faculty team. It is a one in a life time experience!

Current Status

Employer: Gobierno de la República Argentina
Position:   Asesor
Location:  Argentina