Tanuj Bathla
Tanuj Bathla

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in economics I started my professional career with a job in corporate banking. While still working for the bank, I took up a part time role in my family business. We began supplying premium coffee beans to select customers across north India. Our business grew quickly and it motivated me to take on additional entrepreneurial projects.

My next part time venture involved co-founding an online forum for youth to share their views on economics and finance. While my second venture was mildly successful, it did open up an avenue for me to start working with an incubator in Silicon Valley. I spent two years incubating high tech, dynamic startups leading them to receive venture funding.

Although I was working in the United States, I always wanted to return to Asia, a market that I felt has tremendous potential. The HKU MBA presented many niche aspects that were well aligned with my long term plans.

The focus on Asian business and case studies has given me the invaluable learning to understand Asian markets in-depth and get a much broader understanding beyond India and the United States. The immersion course in Beijing was an excellent introduction to Asia, followed by the opportunity to study in Hong Kong and London, which are both new markets for me.

A strong finance focus coupled with the compact class size has enabled me to receive the full benefit of faculty and industry learning. Personally, the most compelling aspect of the programme is the focused attention on individual growth by the school. The hands on training and personal interest that we have been receiving from the Career Office should ensure that all of us reach our full potential and find the best opportunities.

Current Status

Employer: FinFabrik
Position:   Product Manager
Location:  Hong Kong