Nicole Yoo
Nicole Yoo

I am Nicole Yoo from Korea.

While working in retail departments of luxury brands, I realised that in order to be promoted to a higher sales position, I would need a stronger foundation in finances. Therefore, I decided that an MBA would be the ideal way to gain complete exposure to areas like marketing, E-commerce, branding and communication, as well as the financial aspects. The HKU MBA stood out as the best choice for me.

What I have felt so far is that HKU’s MBA is more intensive, with fewer members than other MBA programmes in Hong Kong. This allows me to gain more exposure to industries I had not previously encountered, and to discuss the Chinese as well as Hong Kong economies and business cases with my fellow students. In addition, the various quantitative courses that HKU has to offer are preparing me for a senior management level position in the luxury industry. Classes such as Corporate Finance and Managerial Accounting have allowed me to have real-life experience in making sales forecasts, budgeting and profit planning more efficient. Other classes such as Analytics for Managers, Big Data, and Strategic Marketing have allowed me to be able to analyze in depth the rapidly changing needs of customers.

I believe the HKU MBA is a path I must follow in order to achieve my goals. Through intensive collaboration and communication with talented friends from many backgrounds, I have learned to think outside the box, and use the tools given to me in class to acquire much broader insights. When I finish, I will be able to see how I have developed throughout the MBA. In addition, the people I have met here will be valuable assets, both as lifelong friends and as business partners.