Juny Lee
Juny Lee

Since I received my Bachelor’s degree with distinction in International Hotel Management with Finance in Switzerland, I have demonstrated my passion for the hospitality industry in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Over the course of my working experience, I have been given opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills on an international platform. Prior to my current job, I was given the offer to work for an asset management company in Korea representing  23 shareholder companies as part of Asia’s tallest multi-complex building project. Work as a hotel business development manager followed, in which I generated merchandising strategies, floor plans, and conducted investment relations presentations to attract foreign investors.

Currently, I am living in Hong Kong, working in a Korean government agency that functions as the Hong Kong branch office for member SMEs in Korea. Part of my job is to conduct highly customized marketing activities to successfully launch various Korean brands into Hong Kong, and so I decided to pursue an MBA in order to acquire improved  managerial tools,  broaden my views in different sectors and advance my capabilities in understanding businesses as a whole.

At HKU MBA, where the focus is on creating global leaders who can lead and solve complex tasks through team-building, I have been able to use my critical thinking skills in the context of a team. As a team, we have analysed the issues and developed strategies and steps to address them with our recommendations. The programme has challenged me by exposing me to a series of valuable leadership scenarios and how business decisions are made in multi-cultural settings. I am truly enriched in both my professional and personal life through my priceless experiences at HKU MBA!