Eiji Soma
Eiji Soma

I finished my undergraduate study in Economics in Tokyo and, after graduation, I joined a railway company in Japan. Through my career, I have experienced a lot of jobs from the forefront of transportation services to managerial work in the back office. I really liked my jobs and responsibilities in the company, so I eagerly looked for more comprehensive knowledge about doing business and managing teams to accelerate my career. Furthermore, I believe specializing in business management, with a focus on the Asian region and international relationships will enable me to utilize the knowledge I gain to assist the future endeavors of my company. To achieve these goals, I concluded that the best course of action was to become an MBA student at HKU.

My studies at HKU have been very inspirational and stimulating. My classmates from across the world have their own educational and career backgrounds and this diversity makes our interaction much more valuable. In addition, HKU offers me the opportunity to study in three different cities, Beijing, Hong Kong, and London. I look forward to meeting new people and new circumstances in different locations. I am sure my MBA journey ahead will confer experience of great value on me.

Current Status

Employer: East Japan Railway Company
Position:   Assistant Manager
Location:  Tokyo, Japan