Banly Chuang
Banly Chuang

Before working as a regional process manager at Swarovski, my career focus was supply chain and project management. After graduating with a degree in industrial engineering, I held various positions in engineering, solution design and supply chain management at FedEx and Starbucks, leading various projects across the Asia-Pacific region. These experiences gave me opportunities to learn how different companies operate in a variety of cultures.

As my role in these positions often required me to influence and drive changes both internally and externally, gaining a good understanding of business knowledge on a broad scale became my top priority, along with learning to be more efficient at work and preparing myself for career advancement. I chose the HKU MBA programme to help me to realise these goals because it offers both a good balance of academic knowledge and practical business applications and the opportunity to study with a group of classmates with diverse backgrounds, which I believe will be highly beneficial.

I am proud to be part of the HKU MBA programme, as I believe it is definitely an experience that will last me a lifetime.