HKU MBA Full-time Mini Site

HKU Full-time MBA

Develop your business acumen in the Asia-Pacific region with HKU MBA.

As Hong Kong's top-ranked MBA programme, the HKU Full-time MBA Programme is designed to nurture students to become business leaders. The intensive one-year programme offers three tracks, New York track (Columbia Business School), London track (London Business School), and Hong Kong/China track, empowering students with a truly international business education while giving them a platform to network globally.

Regional Perspective

The Asia-Pacific focus will give you a distinct advantage when building your career in the region. The focus on Asia and China business is highly relevant to the wider region’s dynamic, and ever-evolving business environment.

Case-based Approach

The HKU MBA Programme adopts an experiential learning approach, with extensive use of business cases published by our renowned Asia Case Research Centre (ACRC). Written by eminent professors from the HKU Business School and prominent industry leaders, the business case studies encourage critical thinking that enables students to become effective problem-solvers and decision-makers in today’s rapidly changing business settings. Moreover, the programme’s relatively small class sizes allow for extensive interaction and collaboration.

An Expanded Global Vision

The unique partnerships with two world-renowned business schools, the London Business School and Columbia Business School, provide our students with unmatched opportunities to learn and network.
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Essential Thematic Courses

We offer elective courses in five critical thematic areas: Business Tech and Innovation, Finance, Strategy and Consulting, Managing in China & Asia, and Marketing and General Management.

Get in Touch With Us

For more comprehensive advice about your application and an initial consultation on your candidacy, you are required to share us your professional CV.
Please use your name as the file name (e.g. chan_taiman.doc)
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Want to know more about the programme? Get in touch with the Admissions team to kickstart your HKU MBA journey.

Programme Highlights
  • The Full-time MBA Programme is an intensive one year programme with three tracks. All students spend nine months in Hong Kong, with field trips to Mainland China. Then, depending on the track they choose, they get to spend four months in London or New York, or Hong Kong/Shanghai.
  • Our Asia-Pacific and China focus gives students a unique advantage in shaping their careers towards and becoming successful leaders, both regionally and internationally.
  • Corporate Partnership Project is tailored to students’ interests and career aspirations, with both part-time internship and full-time opportunities available. Students that choose to take part in this project will be exposed to real-world business and mentorship experiences by directly interacting and working with corporate professionals at their selected company.
China Immersion Programme
  • Designed to showcase the best of Chinese culture and business practices in China by providing experience via company visits, executive talks, and cultural immersion in Mainland China to foster academic learning, inspire enlightening conversations, and offer some hands-on activities.
  • Students will receive an eye-opening opportunity to learn about the vast diversity of China’s economy and world’s leading technology. They will also have the opportunity to build networks and connections with some of the best known local companies within the major cities.
Executive Development Workshop

A series of Executive Development Workshops have been created to encourage the students to fully engage in a unique learning experience while sharpening their soft skills. The workshops are spread across the entire academic year and will be conducted on topics including Business Communication & Presentation Skills, Building Your Leadership Presence and Personal Brand, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills, and High Performing Teams & Collaborations Skills.

Career Development & Training Team
  • Throughout the MBA journey, the Career Development & Training team (CDT) will work closely with you to provide career advice and guidance, enhance your professional and personal skills, and equip you with connections to relevant corporate and recruitment partners.
  • CDT offers a wide range of activities for students, including learning and development workshops, company visits, leadership talks, mentorship programme, and business treks. These activities allow students to gain an in-depth understanding of how global business work and enables them to realise their unique career visions throughout their MBA journey.
  • Become part of Hong Kong’s most prestigious alumni network with more than 280,000 University alumni spread worldwide representing over 150 nationalities.
  • HKU MBA colleagues organise events regularly for students and alumni based in different parts of the world to mingle and help expand their networks both regionally and globally.

Student Testimonials

(Class of 2023)

Anvesh Budharaju

(Class of 2023)

I made the decision to study for an MBA because I wanted to learn business acumen and interact with people from different cultures. I also wanted to expand my horizons in order to become a global leader and solution provider.

(Class of 2024)

Shira Gross

(Class of 2024)

The most compelling aspect of HKU Full-Time MBA Programme, which made it my top choice, was its unique and comprehensive structure. It not only focuses on the academic aspects of an MBA programme but also places significant emphasis on team building, cultural experiences, career development, networking, and self-development.

(Class of 2024)

Oh Ce Ham

(Class of 2024)

The motivation behind pursuing an MBA stems from my desire to step out of my comfort zone and transition into the finance industry in Hong Kong, a global financial hub. With a passion for real estate and infrastructure investment in the APAC region, I believe that the HKU MBA will provide me with the necessary leverage to achieve my career aspirations.

Class of 2023 & 2024

Class Profile

International Students
Age Range
Male : Female ratio
No. of Regions Represented
Range of work experience