
Fung Group Information Sharing Session

On 2nd October 2019, representative from The Fung Group came to speak to our MBA class. The company has a rich history in import-export-trading and global supply chain management.

Testimonial from Student:

“At the beginning, we had an information session with the representative, who spoke about the history and expansion in terms of clients and locations, the three key factors for the Fung Group, speed, innovation and digitalisation, and the PMD programme.

We also had an experiences session with two of our HKU MBA alumni, Karen Lin and Laurence Wong, who are currently working with the Fung Group. They talked about their journey so far and how the company is giving them the opportunity to grow and how people from different backgrounds are welcomed at the Fung Group.

Later, we had a networking session with the team, when all our questions regarding the company and applications were answered. Everyone from the team was modest, approachable and candid.

My experience with the Fung Group was really insightful and informative. I am definitely looking forward to connecting with them in the future.”

Sakshi Gulati, Full-time MBA Class of 2020
