Pakki Chan

Pakki Chan

Industry: Education
Company: LearnMore Co-op
Job Title: Founder

I am the founder of LearnMore Co-op (, the first cooperative English learning centre in Hong Kong, established during my MBA journey in early 2020. Moving from a professional marketer for FMCG and retail brands to a company founder and an educator, it was definitely an exciting change and challenge in my life. Huge thanks to the HKU MBA experience, it did not only inspired me to step out of my comfort zone, but also walked me through my fear zone, learning zone and growth zone.

Pursuing an MBA was my childhood dream and HKU was my first choice given its international reputation and academic excellence. I will never forget the most interesting response I’ve got from a business friend when I asked for his advice about getting an MBA: ”Use the money (tuition) to invest, the ROI would be much higher!” I had a different perspective; money is not always the best R (return) one could possibly get. Bonus to the knowledge I have learnt from the programme, my biggest gains were the growth mindset, the new habit of improving every single day and the courage to make changes in my life. Maximizing my time to learn through podcasts, e-books and audiobooks became my daily goal. Unlike money, these are going to stay with me forever and I value them much more comparatively.

One of the most memorable experiences in my MBA journey would be the Business Lab class. My team and I had the idea of mindfulness education and the class walked us through step by step composing a business plan and transforming it into a real business; we even had a chance to pitch to Cyberport Micro Fund afterwards. Although our team did not continue working together after the pitch, we did had a fast-tracked experience of a start-up from the beginning to the end. It’s a priceless experience. And this experience has further inspired and led me to start LearnMore Co-op. From MBA, we learned to be consumer-focused and agile as a business person and I applied these learnings to my own. Therefore, my company values and encourages cooperation of teachers and parents as we believe that’s the most important of every kids’ learning journey. With the ever-changing situation with Covid-19, we have been agile and transformed from an offline to an O2O (offline to online) business aiming to be more sustainable.

Apart from all the learning and fun of MBA, we are the person who is most responsible for our own learning journey. Whether it is going to be a life-changing experience, you are accountable for it. I would like to encourage any MBA aspirants to do three things:

1) Participate in class by asking questions

There is no stupid questions! So be bold, the person sitting next to you might have the same question!

Just remember, you may not be going back to school again after this.

(2) Learn, apply and reflect!

MBA is more than just learning from lecture! After class, find a way to use what you have learned at projects or even at work, and reflect after! This is a way to truly learn.

(3) Live base on priorities

Time in limited and we cannot say YES to everything, especially when we are working and studying at the same time. Therefore, I learned from professor David Lee to set priorities in life, and to only do things that make your top priorities happy.

Enjoy school!