Julien Legrand

Julien Legrand

What was your background prior to joining the HKU MBA programme?

After graduating from the computer science programme at the Engineering School in Paris, and gaining twelve years of work experience within the cybersecurity world in various positions across Europe and Asia, I thought it was time for me to pursue an MBA to deepen my understanding of fields outside of my expertise.

Why did you choose HKU MBA?

I chose this programme after attending the HKU MBA information session and discussing with friends who were currently attending the full-time MBA. I chose the part-time option because it provides me with a work-life-study balance, allowing me to comprehend and manage a rapidly evolving business environment.

Another reason for choosing HKU is that the programme is carefully designed to give me a first-class education, real-world experience, a deep understanding of international business, and a sincere appreciation of cultural sensitivities.

What are your expectations of studying for an MBA?

My expectations of getting an MBA at HKU is mainly to give me a considerable advantage when developing my career, and allowing me significant exposure to the Asia-Pacific region through the programme’s experiential learning approach. The university’s world-class and award-winning faculty will allow me to achieve this.

Another expectation is for me to learn a general business education and major business disciplines in order to have the knowledge to launch my company after graduation. Last but not least, I also want to take advantage of the opportunity to learn and study alongside peers who are experienced in their respective fields and to establish connections with them.

How is your experience so far?

My experience of the MBA has so far been very enriching due to the relationships I am building with my classmates. The programme is challenging, packed and intensive (as expected) but it is also very gratifying.
The university and the professors did a great job transitioning to the virtual learning environment in such a short time in the middle of February.