Grace Leung

Grace Leung

From being a small business owner to a pharmaceutical product specialist, I learned about business management on various scales and from several perspectives. I knew that seeking advancement to upper management in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as growing my ventures, required more than my current business acumen. HKU MBA worked out to be the perfect choice for me.

Unequivocally, the programme has given me a solid foundation to really delve into any career, from a start-up environment to the corporate world. There is a fusion of presentation, collaboration, group work, and open discussion that strengthened my existing skillset and developed new ways to think.

As I continue to meet professionals and engage in thought-provoking business conversations in class and in the field, I have become aware that my learning is accelerated when participating in discussions with diverse ideas. Given the numerous opportunities to become involved and to develop valuable network connections, I am confident that I will have taken full advantage of this masterful programme when I graduate.

Industry: Pharmaceuticals
Company: Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
Job Title: Senior Medical Representative