Yingkai Wang (Morgan)

Yingkai Wang (Morgan)

Hometown:  Mainland, China 

Education Background: 

  • Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
  • Master’s degree: Master of International Affairs, International Finance, Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)

Pre-MBA Professional Background: Associate Director, Financing Solutions at Standard Chartered Bank 

About Me: A proud dad, a rigorous professional at work, and a great friend outside the office


My Biggest Career Accomplishment

From a credit perspective, our accomplishments stemmed from both the deals we pursued and those we chose not to engage with. By filtering out certain deals after thorough scrutiny, we potentially avoided significant losses for the bank and other stakeholders.

When discussing my biggest career accomplishment, I always think of the situations where we brought high-quality clients to the market and truly helped them solve issues, meet their needs, and successfully launch their deals. From approaching clients and structuring deals to executing them and ensuring proper syndication, we were there to accompany our clients every step of the way, introducing them to the markets and guiding them to better understand the APAC financial landscape.

However, things were not always smooth. During the closing stage of a high-profile syndicated loan financing project for a key client, which I led, a last-minute significant divergence of opinion was raised by one of the participating banks. The client as well as other stakeholders were pushing to close the deal within two days. However, any further changes requiring internal approval from different parties could take two weeks or more without certainty.

Although the issue arose at late night after office hours, I was determined to find a solution. After reviewing the entire documentation and mapping out the core interests of all parties, I eventually discovered a clause that provided room for all parties to settle. By sharing my thoughts with my supervisor, legal counsel, the client, and the participating bank, I proposed an all-party call the next day, which gained support from all involved. The project was successfully closed within the timeline, and our regional head and my supervisor attributed the success to my judgment.

To me, this was a snapshot of my long-term working pattern and the spirit of ownership I have always adhered to: to solve problems rather than simply complete tasks. Those moments precisely encapsulate my biggest accomplishments during my career.

Aspiration for Pursuing an MBA

Both technical and soft skills can be enhanced and refined through the working process, making work easier and more fulfilling. However, in my view, a smooth work experience is not a panacea. Shortcomings include, but not limited to mechanized working habits, flatter learning curves, and narrowed perspectives.

From my educational background to my professional experiences, I have accumulated well-rounded knowledge and skills to become an expert in the corporate finance sector, such as financial modelling, legal documentation, and client coverage. I have analysed hundreds of companies across different industry chains, but the question for me is: stepping outside the corporate finance perspective, have I developed in-depth cognitive capabilities to understand how enterprises operate, including marketing, human resources, and government relationships?

Additionally, do I have a comprehensive understanding of how other elements of the financial markets affect my area of focus, such as derivatives, quantitative analysis, and niche markets? While I am fully prepared for a lifelong learning journey, I truly believe that the HKU MBA program will lead me to the desired learning path and further broaden my horizons.

In the short term, I hope to embrace a more open-minded self and to further understand various aspects of the financial markets, the micro- and macro-economic status quo, and the links among divisions of society as a whole. These are key considerations behind my sincere pursuit of the HKU MBA program.


As a strong MBA program at one of the oldest tertiary education institutions located in the heart of Asia, the reputable HKU MBA program not only offers practical curricula, regional perspectives, and a global vision but also provides unique approaches to cultivating success and connects us to its world-class faculty and its renowned and diverse alumni community. All these factors are fascinating and tremendously helpful to me.

Advice for Prospective Candidates
  • Start Early: Try not to rush at the last minute. Take time to do your research, attend any relevant events, and prepare yourself thoroughly.
  • Be Yourself: MBA admission is not a track and field competition; it will not be determined by any single evaluation criterion. Reflect on why you truly need an MBA, what you can contribute to the MBA community, and what you hope to gain from it. The final step is to express your genuine thoughts to the admissions office.
  • Stay Tuned for Events: Attending admissions events will give you a much clearer picture of the requirements, timeline, program specialties, curriculum, and even student life and potential alumni networks. You will learn a great deal from these events.
  • Be Prepared: Preparation does not mean crafting a false profile; rather, like a job interview, we should be 100% familiar and confident with our CVs, backgrounds, and stories. It is our responsibility to present the best version of ourselves. If we do this, we will have done our job wonderfully.