Yusuke Naito

Yusuke Naito

After receiving a Bachelor of Economics degree from Keio University, I joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. From then, I was in charge of project management, marketing and cost management in the nuclear power plant servicing field for three and a half years. After gaining that experience, I moved to a business development department and succeeded in making various business contracts and boosting sales.

Through the past five years of working, I have acquired extensive experience and expertise in project management and the energy business in the Japanese domestic market. On the other hand, I have not been able to have the opportunity to work in international business and finance. In order to acquire the financial expertise and interpersonal skills in global fields and a deeper insight into the Asian market, I decided to take an MBA in Hong Kong.

Among the universities in Hong Kong, HKU is the only university which is located on Hong Kong Island, which has the largest financial district in Asia-Pacific. By placing myself in the vanguard of the economy and finance, and in a new environment, I can learn the Asian finance business from firsthand experience and  expand my field of vision to communicate with people both inside and outside the campus. I am also interested in the exchange programmes which grant opportunities to study in the different cultural settings of Beijing and London.

Two months have passed since the HKU MBA programme started. I am satisfied with the programme which has a variety of students of different cultural backgrounds and nationalities who are very open to discussion. I strongly feel that an atmosphere like that will make this the best suited place for me to improve my skills in a global field.

Current Status

Employer: JLL
Position:   Business Development Director
Location:  Hong Kong