My name is Yansong Sun, and I am a conference simultaneous interpreter; born, taught and trained for the diplomatic business world. Originally from Nanjing City, China, I was raised in Shenzhen and then Vancouver by my family.
My knowledge of foreign language and translation skills was acquired from the University of Saskatchewan, and my aspiration to learn more about oriental business and culture studies was fulfilled at Shenzhen University, where I studied Business Administration.
As a member of the Translators Association of Shenzhen, my field of specialty is to provide diplomatic translation support to embassies and consulates for countries such as Australia and Switzerland. To date, I would say that my biggest career accomplishment is being recognised as an outstanding Translation Volunteer for the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, at the China International Charity Fair by its organizer, from 2015 to 2016.
Being an interpreter in translation is not my career, it’s my life, and it brings with it unlimited possibilities. Further equipped with the brand of HKU and its global networks will boundlessly strengthen my professional and personal arsenal, helping pave the way to an even brighter future in my diplomatic journey.
I hope to combine the knowledge and insight gained from the HKU MBA Programme with my practical expertise in translation to support developed and developing countries with enhancing their economy, public and social services.