Steven Ho
Steven Ho

“To transform and grow one’s mind, you start by stepping out of your comfort zone” has always been my life motto.

As a local, born and raised, I always strive for breakthroughs by taking steps out of my comfort zone as I strongly believe that the only way to broaden one’s horizons is by broadening one’s mind first. And this is why I decided to get into HKU MBA to further transform myself from an engineering based individual into a top-class business executive/entrepreneur, with all-round capabilities.

With manufacturing engineering as my undergraduate degree, I started my career in a Japanese camera company as a senior quality engineer. Soon after, I took up the challenge to join a start-up electronic company, in which there was less than 10 co-workers. This is where I grew and cultivated a business and management mindset, contributing to the evident improvement and changes needed in a start-up company. To continue this growth in skills and mind, I gradually moved and am now working in a renowned US based multinational infants and toddler lifestyle brand with 7 offices around the globe in a managerial role, leading a team.

These career movements have shaped a steep learning curve along which I transformed from an individual contributor to a people manager, requiring experience and leadership, strategic thinking and management capacity. This took me to the point where I started questioning myself. How do I shape and bring myself to become a better leader? That is when I decided to pursue an MBA degree.

Without a doubt, HKU MBA came to my mind as the top and first choice: With a renowned international reputation, a strong MBA programme ranking, a strong network, and a flexible learning mode, the programme encourages continuous career growth and the search for intellectual growth.

In just 6 months since the start of programme, I have been exposed to a comprehensive curriculum, from accounting to data science.  The “up-to-date, case-based” learning approach provides a realistic and informative way to understand the stories behind firms. Professors inspire and enlighten our way of thinking. Additionally, through the strong connections built with brilliant classmates from all over the world and various industries, we learn and share ideas from different perspectives, forming project teams to solve business problems – and this is exactly what an all -round leader should be equipped with.

For those who wish to unleash their full potential, the HKU MBA programme is the choice for you.