Richard Green
Richard Green

I am currently the Marketing Director for Miele, the world’s leading manufacturer of luxury home appliances and I’ve been responsible for the communication strategy for the group here in Hong Kong for the last 4 years. I currently lead on campaign development for the Asian region and I’m responsible for the strategic development of all of Miele’s product categories. Prior to this, I headed up the Asian development of a luxury wine concierge service called Sarment, expanding the bespoke service into China and setting up its retail footprint. I have over 12 years in management positions in marketing and communications, spanning markets in London, Cape Town and now Hong Kong.

I decided to embark upon the HKU MBA as I had a desire to further my professional aptitude in an environment that requires the individual to step out of his comfort zone and to take on other perspectives and chains of thought. It also allows me to blend my Western background and heritage with that of certain cultural and regional differences which I have found in operating and managing businesses in this part of the world. In this sense, the programme and curriculum offered by HKU blends these aspects into a very well rounded mode of study.