Peter Ngan
Peter Ngan

My first degree was in electronic and communications engineering and my whole career the last ten plus years has been within global markets in banking. I got married the year before I applied for the MBA programme and was looking for the next milestone in life. A MBA appeared to satisfy all my requirements. The programme gave me a formal approach to consolidating my academic knowledge in business and finance, allowed me to broaden my perspective beyond the circle of finance professionals whom I work with day to day and provided me with inspirations as I plot my course for the next stage of my life.

The HKU MBA programme has lived up to all these expectations from day one. In the classroom, the professors I’ve come across are passionate about their courses. The students are not there expecting a one way transfer of knowledge but instead interact and share how theory in class is applied in their own respective professions, creating a very engaging two way communications environment. Outside the classroom, new friendships are forged through the many formal and casual networking events, from drinks and sports competitions organised by the university to student initiated events, including HKU traditional high table dinners, informal mixers and functions.

It’s not all just fun however. Whilst this isn’t the most academically intensive course, the programme definitely requires commitment and dedication and often time is spent beyond just the basic lecture hours required. Over the last six months of my MBA programme, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed putting in this effort. As you get to know your peers better, it starts to feel no different to meeting up with friends after work, although my wife has occasionally questioned if I really have to stay out that late on weekdays on group projects. I’m definitely looking forward to the rest of my MBA journey; the next 18 months of the formal journey and then staying on with the HKU MBA family after graduation as an alumnus.