With over 10 years background as an executive director and managing director with listed companies, my profile and motivation was a little different to many of my classmates. I felt the time was appropriate to revisit my academic understanding of business and leverage my experience with others in a classroom environment. The flexibility of Hong Kong University’s part-time programme and its’ geographic location means you can balance your career and academic aspirations without compromise.
The students at HKU come from a variety of industries and having the ability to interact with such a diverse group is one of the differentiators of the MBA.  I found the opportunities to work with others in the group projects probably the most rewarding part of the course and an experience you can only get when you step outside your everyday work environment. The high prestige of an MBA from Hong Kong University resonates internationally with institutions and individuals; everybody in business has heard of HKU. In respect of the course, the range and choice of subjects over two years was similarly broad and the elective nature of the course allows you to focus on what is important for your personal development, which is especially empowering.