Pakson Chen
Pakson Chen

Like many others, I don’t work in a field that relates to my college major. I am not going to lie; it was not easy, but I made it anyway and it was worth it. I achieved 280% of target in my first year, 425% in the 2nd year and 400% in my third. I have proven myself as one of the best business development managers in my company. I started to ask myself: What’s next? I had several discussions with my leaders and mentors. I realised that moving into management levels and leading a team would be the next step for me.

To better prepare myself, I decided to apply for the part-time MBA programme at HKU. HKU MBA provides a structured, in-depth yet flexible programme. I have gained a lot from the lectures and class discussions as well as the assignments. Soon after the MBA programme started, my dream came true. I was promoted and am now leading a team of 10. Being an individual contributor is totally different from leading a team. I am glad that I could apply what I learnt in class in my new role and it truly helps a lot.

Furthermore, the students in HKU come from a variety of industries and everyone has a very different background, experiences and points of view. Being able to interact with such a diverse group is definitely another highlight of the programme. It has broadened my horizons in ways that I’d never imagined.