Mari Kuchinishi
Mari Kuchinishi

My education background is entirely in Japan with few exchange programme experiences.  Yet I always had a dream of working abroad.  Starting my career in 2002 in the banking industry, I have been working in international banks in different roles, and became an operational risk manager.  I am now in charge of the Asia Pacific region for changing the risk management framework throughout the company.

Now with MBA, I want to breakthrough to pursue the next challenge, such as being able to work outside of Asia.

MBA is my first experience of international teaching methods as well as about learning business from scratch.  My undergraduate major was international politics so my learning about key banking subjects was  “on the job training”.  It is a great opportunity for me now to learn them properly.

My classmates are all from different backgrounds and it has been great working with them. As a side job, I am one of the bloggers for a Japanese fashion magazine, and my classmates have been kind enough to guide me to a lot of local cuisines which I can blog about.  Getting to know them and being part of their group enables me to experience real HK life.

Learning about each of the subject’s contents, the time management required for work, life and study, the different cultural backgrounds of classmates, learning to work with different people; all in all I can say that this MBA is an exciting, life-changing experience.