Manasy Vidyasagar
Manasy Vidyasagar

I did my schooling in Muscat, Oman a south-west Asian country which has a wide cultural influence from having been ruled by the Ottoman and Portuguese empires. After that I pursued my pre-university and University in Hyderabad. Following graduation, I worked in Goldman Sachs (Operations) in Bangalore, India for 6 years. Goldman Sachs gave me ample exposure to the global corporate culture and how to leverage varied skillsets across regions and incorporate them into the task at hand.

As a socially conscious person, I have been actively involved in corporate social responsibility initiatives organized by Goldman Sachs on a continual basis. The majority of the projects that I have undertaken involve underprivileged children. I believe that they have untapped potential and if this potential is channeled,  it would take the nation and the world further.

My goal in the short term after I have completed my MBA is to be involved in a core decision-making committee which assesses client portfolio requirement, analyzes their risk appetite and suggests relevant products.

HKU MBA is the most attractive programme because Hong Kong is the financial hub of Asia, and it forms a community which embraces people of very diverse backgrounds and nationalities. In addition, the programme offers the value of 3 locations, Beijing, Hong Kong and London.

The one month experience in Beijing was a true ice-breaker and helped me to know my classmates better and learn Mandarin. We had a great experience in learning, sightseeing and appreciating Chinese culture. It has been 4 months now in Hong Kong and the classes have been fantastic. From their wide diversity, be it in nationalities, regions or profiles, my classmates bring their whole selves to classes daily, challenging simulated situations and concepts. I personally have learnt a lot.

Current Status

Employer: PWC Financial Consulting
Position:   Manager
Location:  Hong Kong