Kammy Lee
Kammy Lee

After receiving my first degree in marketing, I joined IBM as a management trainee and received specialist training in big data and analytics. Although my company provides comprehensive technical training and opportunities for me to be involved in projects with different clients in both commercial and public sectors, after several promotions over the years, I realized I should start preparing myself for a managerial role by acquiring knowledge and skills in management. Therefore, I applied for the MBA programme in HKU.

HKU provides structured programme which includes all the necessary knowledge for management decisions. Although my first degree was also in business, the programme of HKU MBA provides me with new perspectives on different subjects. Furthermore, since the class is well-mixed, with students from different industries, the in-class discussion and group projects allow us to gain more comprehensive insights into certain topics.

Apart from the course itself, the extensive HKU student and alumni network is also very impressive to me. Both MBA office and students are keen on organizing different networking events, including a high table dinner, an annual dinner, sports tournaments, and other activities. These provide students with chances to extend both their social and business networks.