Jessica Li
Jessica Li

After I graduated with engineering degrees from mainland China and Hong Kong, and gained 5 years of experience in the engineering departments of CLP Power, I decided to pursue MBA study and leverage myself for my current operations management position, which requires various skills such as financial, people management and leadership skills.

I chose the part-time mode MBA programme of HKU, not only because of its reputation which I had admired for so long, but also the inspiring staff I met from the recruitment talk to the interview. The courses were structured comprehensively. I am especially interested in supply chain management, legal environment and Asia business. I also got a deep feeling out of  “learning from peers”. Experience and views shared by classmates from various industries truly broaden my horizon and sharpen my thoughts.

Out of class, what has impressed me most is the grit that our HKU MBA classmates showed in completing the desert hike in May 2016. We collaborated as a team, going through sand storms, hot weather, rain and cold nights and successfully reached the destination, just as in the TED talk video, shared in the last Business Ethics class, “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals”. – Angela Lee