Jack Shi
Jack Shi

My name is Jack (Jiekun) Shi and I was born in Xiamen, China. Before I moved back to China in 2017, I spent almost a decade living, learning and growing in Nebraska, USA. Upon graduating from my undergraduate in Accounting and Management Information Systems, I worked as a tax auditor for the state revenue department.

To explore the business culture in the APAC area and build my network here, I decided to take the opportunity to work for a Chinese electronic manufacturing company in its overseas Sales/Marketing department three years ago. Whilst here, I was also able to learn about the financial, operational, and technological side of the business. This role change got me to move directly from a public professional practice to private business development, from the West to the East, from a small town to big cities, and from paper to intuition, which then inspired me to continue my education and unlocked my HKU MBA journey.

Hong Kong is a city with a rich mixture of cultures from different parts of the world. I love the city as I am always able to meet people from various backgrounds and work with incredible minds. My classmates in this MBA programme are from about 20 nations; I learn different things from them every day and know that some of them will be my lifelong friends. In addition, I have learnt many hard technical skills from the courses, such as financial modeling, python and venture capital, etc. Last but not least, I have built a strong connection with the programme’s CDT team. My career coach and the entire team helped me step by step with my CV, interview skills, job searching and more. Theyreally guided me through the entire journey. After completing this programme, I hope to settle in Hong Kong with a job of my passion. Moreover, I would be happy to stay connected with school as an alumn and keep contributing to this beautiful family.