Charles Yang
Charles Yang


I am a wanderer! Born in mainland China, I’ve spent significant time in mainland China, Singapore, the U.S.A, and my past 9 years in Hong Kong. There is no better way to wander on a wonderful journey of life than a 2-year HKU part-time MBA experience. The weekend and weekday modes classmates represent a great diversity of student profiles, and we learn from each other inside and outside classrooms. I have gained a lot of friendship and a network from the MBA programme.

The part-time MBA programme is the perfect curriculum for me . I am an investment banker in a top tier Wall Street bank. Having worked in Hong Kong for almost a decade, my social network is rather restricted to the career circles. When I first applied for the MBA programme, my uttermost motivation is to know more people in Hong Kong / Asia. I have definitely achieved my objective after a precious 2-year journey. Most of the part-time MBA classmates have a decent period of work experience and they come from a wide variety of industries. Sharing a 2-year journey together is a true learning experience beyond the walls of classrooms. We will all graduate after 2 years, but the friendship and network is everlasting!

Thanks to the HKU MBA journey, I now have three pillars of support for my life in Hong Kong: my family, my job, and my sense of belongings to the HKU MBA community.