Abir Kapur
Abir Kapur

Working with diverse clients as a consultant specialising in IT strategy and solutions, I realised that finance is the backbone of any organisation. My  background is in engineering and  I have always had a penchant for numbers so a career in finance was the next goal I set for myself.

Before I became a consultant, I started my own venture with the aim of promoting extracurricular activities among children to ensure their holistic development and better preparing them for the challenging world ahead. The venture (Center for Extracurricular Development) focused on organising several after-school extracurricular activities for children within the safety of their housing societies. The development that parents could witness in their children, through participation in these activities, helped them to encourage more and more people to pursue the same vision.
It is a fact that the growth of China is unparalleled in the rest of the world and Hong Kong is in the centre of this action. Hong Kong is not only a stepping stone for China’s global outreach but also for those looking to jump on the Chinese growth wagon.

In my search for the most suitable programme, the HKU MBA stood out. What I find most exciting about this programme is the opportunity to learn about management in the APAC region, along with spending a semester at one of the finest schools in Europe. This global approach has helped me develop cross cultural skills in addition to the technical know-how of finance and general management. With a wide variety of elective subjects to choose from, I am not only spoilt for choice but am also able to expand my knowledge in areas that will help me progress towards my career goals. One such example is the FinTech elective course which lets me dip my fingers in the ever growing and changing digital world through enriching interactions with industry experts and regulators in the region. The HKU MBA also provides a wide variety of club activities that are mentored by external industry experts. As the Vice President of the Consulting Club, I am able to meet and interact with industry professionals and learn in real time about the ever changing industry landscape and how to cope with such changes.

The HKU MBA is a very diverse family. While our class size is small and limited to 59 full time students, there is no lack of diversity with 19 nationalities in our batch. I personally believe that I get to learn a lot more from my peer group by understanding their ways of thinking and approaching situations.
The list of distinctions goes on. Another thing that makes the HKU MBA stand out is the extensive case based approached followed for each course. With a center (Asia Case Research Center) dedicated to case writing, there is no shortage of cases and many of them are fresh off the press, presenting current real life challenges faced by companies.