Hiromi Fujita

Hiromi Fujita

I have been working in the automotive industry since 2003. I was given an overseas assignment, working in Hong Kong, after our luxury brand Headquarter moved here from Japan in 2012. I majored in marketing and received my BBA at university in the US. An MBA has been one of my targets and dreams as a next step but I devoted myself to work, got married and became a mother of one child. In Japan, it would be extremely difficult for a working mother to take an MBA or even a part-time MBA because hiring a full-time helper is not very common and we often live away from parents. On the other hand, Hong Kong is such a great city and environment for a working mother. You are able to have a live-in helper and the commuting time is also much less than in Japan. Therefore, I decided to take the opportunity of being in Hong Kong to take the Part-Time MBA at HKU.

As for my career, I have worked in product marketing and business management to expand new markets and the product strategy for two Japanese automakers. In order to keep moving forward in my career, I have felt that I need something of a breakthrough, to make a change and challenge myself and enhance my strength in leadership. HKU MBA programme definitely supports this with great and enthusiastic professors and students.