Academic & Professional Qualification
Research Interest
Cross-cultural management
Selected Publications
“The Impact of Leader Eye Gaze on Disparity in Member Influence: Implications for Process and Performance in Diverse Groups,” (with Shim, S., Livingston, R.W., and Phillips, K.W.), Academy of Management Journal, 2021, 64, 1873-1900
“Promotion- and prevention-focused coping: A meta-analytic examination of regulatory strategies in the work stress process,” (with Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., and Ng, T.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2019, 104, 1296-1323.
Lam, S.S.K and Chan, K. (2018). Entrepreneurial Quotient. Citic Press.
“Can Peers’ Ethical and Transformational Leadership Improve Coworkers’ Service Quality? A Latent Growth Analysis,” (with Schaubroeck, J., and Peng, A), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2016, 33, 45-58.
“Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior: Do Males and Females Differ?” (with Ng, T., and Feldman, D.), Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2016, 93, 11-32.
“What Good Soldiers are Made of: The Role of Personality Similarity,” (with Lai, J., and Chow, C.), Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2015, 30, 1003-1018.
“Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Work Groups: A Team Cultural Perspective,” (with Lai, J., and Lam, L.), Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2013, 34, 1039-1058.
“Do Customers and Employees Enjoy Service Participation? Synergistic Effects of Self- and Other Efficacy,” (with Yim, C.Y., and Chan, K.), Journal of Marketing, 2012, 76, 121-140.
“The Relationship Between External Job Mobility and Salary Attainment Across Career Stages,” (with Ng, T., and Feldman, D.), Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2012, 80, 129-136.
“Cognitive-Based and Affect-Based Trust as Mediators of Leader Behavior Influences on Team Performance,” (with Schaubroeck, J., and Pang, A.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2011, 96, 863-871.
“Information Sharing and Group Efficacy Influences on Communication and Decision Quality,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2011, 26, 509-528.
“Psychological Contract Breaches, Organizational Commitment, and Innovation-Related Behaviors: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach,” (with Ng, T., and Feldman, D.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2010, 95, 744-751.
“Is customer participating in value creation a double-edged sword?” (with Chan, K., and Yim, C.), Journal of Marketing, 2010, 74, 48-64.
“Staff Localization and Environmental Uncertainty on Firm Performance in China,” (with Yeung, J), Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2010, 27, 766-695.
“Theories of Job Stress and the Role of Traditional Values: A Longitudinal Study in China,” (with Xie, J., and Schaubroeck, J.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2008, 93, 831-848.
“Embracing Transformational Leadership: Team Values and the Impact of Leader Behavior on Team Performance,” (with Schaubroeck, J., and Cha, S.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2007, 92, 1020-1030.
“Active Trust Development of Local Senior Managers in International Subsidiaries,” (with Li, J., Zhou, K., and Tse, D.), Journal of Business Research, 2006, 59, 73-80.
“Group Citizenship Behaviour: Conceptualization and Preliminary Tests of its Antecedents and Consequences,” (with Chen, X., Naumann, S., and Schaubroeck, J.), Management and Organization Review, 2005, 1, 273-300.
“Gender, Extra-firm Mobility, and Compensation Attainment in the and Hong Kong,” (with Dreher, G), Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2004, 25, 791-805.
“Esteem Maintenance Among Groups: Laboratory and Field Studies of Group Performance Cognitions,” (with Schaubroeck, J., and Brown, A.), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2004, 94, 86-101.
“Comparing Lots Before and After: Promotion Rejectees’ Invidious Reactions to Promotees,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2004, 94, 33-47.
“The Effects of Job Complexity and Autonomy on Cohesiveness in Collectivistic and Individualistic work groups: A Cross-Cultural Analysis,” (with Man, D.), Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2003, 24, 979-1001.
“Dispositional Similarity, Group Homogeneity and Organizational Advancement in Different Cultures,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Academy of Management Journal, 2002, 45, 1120-1136.
“Responses to Formal Performance Appraisal Feedback: The Role of Negative Affectivity,” (with Yik, S., and Schaubroeck, J.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2002, 87, 192-201.
“Participative Decision Making and Employee Performance in Different Cultures: The Moderating Effects of Allocentrism-Idiocentrism and Efficacy,” (with Chen, X., and Schaubroeck, J.), Academy of Management Journal, 2002, 45, 905-914.
“Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Employee Work Outcomes: A Cross-National Study,” (with Schaubroeck, J., and Aryee, S.), Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2002, 23, 1-18.
“Can Good Citizens Lead the Way in Proving Quality Service? A Field Quasi-Experiment,” (with Hui, C., and Schaubroeck, J.), Academy of Management Journal, 2001, 44, 988-995.
“A Field Experiment Testing Frontline Opinion Leaders as Change Agents,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2001, 85, 987-995.
“The Effects of Group Decision Support Systems on Pooling of Unshared Information During Group Discussion,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2000, 85, 565-573.
“Instrumental Values of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Promotion: A Field Quasi-Experiment,” (with Hui, C., and Law, K.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2000, 85, 822-828.
“Collective Efficacy Versus Self-Efficacy in Coping Responses to Stressors and Control: A Cross-Cultural Study,” (with Schaubroeck, J., and Xie, J.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 2000, 85, 512-525.
“The Role of Locus of Control in Reactions to Being Promoted and to Being Passed Over: A Quasi-Experiment,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Academy of Management Journal, 2000, 43, 66-78.
“Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Comparing Perspectives of Supervisors and Subordinates across Four International Samples,” (with Hui, C., and Law, K.), Journal of Applied Psychology, 1999, 84, 594-601.
“Total Quality Management and Performance Appraisal: An Experimental Study of Process Versus Results and Group Versus Individual Approaches,” (with Schaubroeck, J.), Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1999, 20, 445-457.
“The Effects of Group Decision Support Systems and Task Structures on Group Communication and Decision Quality,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 1997, 3, 93-215.