Entrepreneurial Incubation Lab
October 18, 2023 2023-12-13 8:41Entrepreneurial Incubation Lab
Entrepreneurial Incubation Lab
The course will be spread over three main stages of
Incubation, Business Concept, and Angel Investing.

It is critical for entrepreneurs to learn the process of incubating an idea and developing it from scratch. In the incubation stage, students will learn about idea development and team formation. They will get to validate their ideas and understand the role played by incubation platforms in the tech startup ecosystem.
Business Concept
For a startup to successfully scale-up, the business concept must be well thought out and developed. In this stage, students will learn about key technology trends and how they can incorporate them into their business concepts. Through interaction with mentors, they will be able to finalise their business plan and prepare their investor decks for the startup pitch.

Angel Investing
Angel investing is a major enabler in supporting start-up founders with adequate funding to take their ideas to the market. In this stage, students will get to understand key elements that angel and corporate investors look for when making investment decisions. The course will end with a start-up mixer and a final pitch to real-world investors and start-up founders.