
Part-time MBA: Alumni Sharing Session

The HKU MBA Part-Time Alumni Sharing Session was held on 31st August 2022 at the Admiralty Town Center. Five outstanding alumni with different career backgrounds were invited to share their academic experience and career development journey with our new part-time MBA students who joined either in person or remotely.

The sharing session was moderated by Shahvir Carnac (Class of 2019). He was joined by fellow alumni Frantz Moudoute (Class of 2016), Kei Chan (Class of 2021), Rahul Punjwani (Class of 2021), and Jinshan Hong (Class of 2022), who all shared how they got the best out of their MBA studies and leveraged it to boost their career. Incoming students were very engaged in the discussion, asking panelists for advice on course selection, international exposure, and ways to expand their professional network. They all benefited greatly from the panel’s thoughtful suggestions and looked forward to their own MBA journey.
