
Full-time MBA: Alumni Panel Discussion

The Full-Time Alumni Panel Discussion and Networking Event was held on the 24th August 2021 with over 30 full-time students in attendance, either in person at the HKU Admiralty Town Centre or joining via Zoom.

The panel discussion was moderated by Sakshi Gulati, Class of 2020, and included five alumni: Tarini Pal, Vivian Li, Nikki Lim (all Class of 2020), Colin Ni (Class of 2021), and Akshay Rao (Class of 2017). The panellists shared useful insights on their academic experiences, their student activities and their experience of the exchange programme. They also offered career advice to those in attendance.

The panellists answered questions raised by students who wanted to hear practical advice to prepare them for their own MBA journeys and future careers. The two-hour panel discussion was followed by a successful networking session.
