
HKU MBA Part-time Alumni Sharing Session

Last night, we hosted our first alumni sharing session for our current year 1 part-time MBA students. We are honoured to have a panel of successful graduates, Susie Ye, Christol Kwan, Amar Pandey, and Dictson Fu, to share their insights and experiences with us. Shout out to Saurabh Singh for moderating the panel discussion.

During the event, the alumni talked about how to strike a balance between work and study, and leverage their MBA education to advance their careers. They also discussed their experiences with various student activities and the impact these had on their personal and professional development.

Students gained invaluable insights from those who’ve walked the same path. The panellists candidly shared their stories, challenges, and lessons learned. Attendees left with actionable tips for navigating the MBA experience.

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to come and connect with each other. We look forward to more engaging sessions in the future.
