Dr. Yen received his BS degree from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and Master / Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University, U.S.A. He has collaborated with international companies in the U.S. and Asia, such as Siemens, Philips Labs, Paragon Management Systems, and Daran Eastman.
Academic & Professional Qualification
MSc, MPhil, PhD Columbia
BS National Chiao Tung University
Supply Chain Management
Project Management
Research Interest
Supply Chain Management
Electronic Commerce
Web Mining
Scheduling Theory and Systems
InsureTech Virtual Lab
Selected Publications
Kong, Xiangtianrui; Huang, G.Q.; Luo, Hao; Yen, B.P.C., Physical-Internet-Enabled Auction Logistics in Perishable Supply Chain Trading: State-of Art and Research Opportunities, Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol. 118 Issue: 8, pp.1671-1694, 2018.
Q. Qiu and Y.J. Chen, B.P.C. Yen. The Implications of Group-Buying as a Channel Option under Capacity Constraint. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR). Vol. 35, No. 04, 2018.
A. Zeng, and B.P.C. Yen. Rethinking the Role of Partnerships in Global Supply Chains: a Risk-Based Perspective, International Journal of Production Economics.Vol. 185, pp. 52-62, March 2017
A. Zeng, and B.P.C. Yen. Evaluating User-System Adaptability in the Use of Web-based Information Systems through the Model of Access Efficiency, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp.1-16, Sep. 2016
J. Ni , L. K. Chu , B. P.C. Yen , and M. Song . Coordinating operational policy with financial hedging for risk-averse firms. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol 59, Part B, Pages 279–289, March 2016.
A. Kathuria and B. P.C. Yen. The Art of Winning an Unfair Game: Cybage & India’s IT Industry, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol 37, Article 36, 2015.
Awards and Honours
Teaching Award, IMBA, Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU, 2016
Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU, 2011
Service to the University/ Community
Library Committee, The University of Hong Kong
Associate Director, Asian Case Research Center (ACRC), The University of Hong Kong
Director, IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) (Hong Kong)