November 7, 2023 2024-10-13 10:53选修课

- 商业领袖的人工智能
- 商业智能和大数据
- 大数据消费者分析
- 以区块链颠覆商业模式
- 运营分析
- Web 3 应用、投资与发展
- 高级谈判
- ESG - 评估、咨询与领导
- 创业孵化实验室
- 创业与风险投资
- 医疗创新
- 洞察与经验 – CEO的反思
- 国际实地考察项目
- 顾问和经理的管理咨询
- 在线业务策略
- 数字时代的变革型领导力
- 数码时代的变革性领导
- 新时代解码品牌
- 数字营销策略
- 全球营销管理
- 黑天鹅管理
- 战略人力资源管理
- 供应链管理
- 企业重组与企业韧性管理
- 数码营销策略
- 企业估值
- ESG、可持续金融和投资影响
- 前沿实践:投资银行、战略与管理
- 投资和资产配置
- 合并与收购
- 房地产金融
- 可再生能源金融
- 风险管理
- 风险投资和私募股权
- 中国营商环境
- 中国经典中的领导力发展
- 亚洲的法律环境
随着信息技术的突飞猛进,海量数据正以前所未有的速度产生,通常被称为「大数据」。 商业组织有很多机会通过收集、清理和分析大数据来获得管理和战略洞察力,这一过程被称为「商业智能」。 本课目将介绍何为商业智能和大数据,以及如何用其制定智能商业决策和战略。本课目侧重于商业智能和大数据分析的技术方面和管理方面。
ESG - 评估、咨询与领导
洞察与经验 – CEO的反思
随着全球经济格局的转变,不同国家和经济区域的知识和实地经验必然会在国际和本地范围内取得成功。国际实地项目是一门实践课程,通过访问公司和机构来了解企业和公共服务,并收集作为课堂作业基础的数据。还提供文化视角,并鼓励观察市场、目标和运营方面的国际差异。课堂教学、预读文献和回顾时事奠定了基础,但主要的教学理念是分析访问过的公司和机构并提取经验教训。这可能意味着回到本地应用最佳实践,评估中国公司在访问国家/地区的机会,以及如何建立更密切的职业和个人联系。理想情况下,学生已经对专业实践和一些核心MBA 课程科目有充分的了解,因此他们可以在课外新环境和现实中应用和修正这些知识。此外,还将讨论全球背景以及与「一带一路」等贸易协定和倡议的关系。*国际实地项目是非全日制学生的选修课
本课程的主要目标是带领学生了解可再生能源金融领域,并培养他们在该领域所必备的概念和实用工具。课程包括讲座、问题解决练习、案例分析和学术论文阅读等形式内容。讲座和练习旨在培养学生的基本技能,学术论文阅读有助于学生加深对该领域的理解和认识,案例分析则能提高学生在实际复杂情境下的决策能力。本课程将以实际案例作为教学焦点,需要学生进行充分的阅读和讨论。 此外,课程要求学生具备良好的基本金融概念知识与理解,如净现值和投资估值等相关内容。
包括风险投资 (VC) 在内的私募股权 (PE) 已成为大多数机构投资者日益重要的资产类别。本课目将重点关注私募与风投行业的最新发展,并为学生提供概述。探讨私募风投如何运作、降低风险和产生回报,讨论从筛选到退出交易的过程。目标是让学生不仅从案例研究和模型模拟中获得对私募风投的深入了解,而且通过学生的团队合作,体验类似于实地私募风投专业人士的体验式学习,体验谈判和完成交易的艺术。旨在模仿现实投资情况。
Web 3.0 应用、投资和发展
本课程旨在让学生深入了解动态且快速发展的 Web 3 世界。通过全面的课程设计,它旨在让学生深入了解这一革命性的生态系统。它提供了对Web 3宇宙的独特探索,结合了理论知识和对该行业爆炸性增长及无限潜力的实用见解。课程还将全面评估影响Web 3生态系统演变的法规和政策。学生将探讨全球金融中心,如香港,如何通过Web 3和实际资产(RWA)工作组等举措以及加密货币交易所的许可来采用Web 3。他们还将研究美国立法和政府机构对加密法规的态度。因此,学生们将掌握必要的技能,有效地驾驭这个复杂而快速发展的行业。
Advanced Corporate Finance
This course consists of three parts. Part I covers financing needs and capital structure. Part II develops tools needed for valuing investment projects and companies. Part III deals with the concepts of options and derivatives and their applications in corporate finance and risk management. The topics to be covered include: Capital Structure: Theory and Practice, Cost of Capital, Valuation: WACC versus APV, Dividend Policy, Convertible Debt, Options, Risk Management, Real Options for Valuation, and Strategic Decisions.
Big Data Consumer Analytics
This course looks to introduce students to the various methods and strategies to make sense of data. We will cover topics including advanced and Big Data predictive analytics, machine and deep learning, text mining and analysis, image and video analysis, and geospatial and mobility analytics. Students will have real hands-on practice exercises with these methods, learn how to generate insights from large and unstructured data, and build an understanding of its strategic relevance in creating sustainable competitive advantage. The course will also bridge these technical methods with social sciences and consumer behaviour. We will cover a number of case studies, with an emphasis on Asia, in sundry industries including retailing and e-commerce, advertising, FinTech and retail financial sectors, telecommunication, and transportation and smart nations. Finally, we will discuss the interwoven dependencies on the legal frameworks with Big Data, including issues relating to privacy, regulations, rights, consumer reactions and adherence to data legislation in different markets.
China Business Environment
This course examines the challenges and opportunities that a rising and rapidly changing China has provided for various business corporations, i.e. Chinese state-owned enterprises, China’s private enterprises, and foreign invested or foreign multinational enterprises. It focuses on distinct aspects of the Chinese business environment that companies must address if they are to succeed in one of the world’s most important and misunderstood markets. The course will focus on the Chinese political / governmental system that influences the economy, the major initiatives that might provide opportunities for business, and the international relations that may complicate business for both Chinese and non-Chinese companies. In addition to a range of background documents on China and its economy, we will also use cases on China’s state-owned enterprises, China’s private enterprises, and foreign enterprises operating in China to identify the distinct challenges and opportunities that different types of firms face in China.
Derivatives and Structured Finance
The major objective of this course is to promote an in-depth understanding of basic derivative products and structured finance instruments. This course provides students with a framework (1) to understand the fundamental concepts of derivative products (forward and futures, options, swaps) and structured finance instruments (CDOs, CDS, ELNs and other structured products), (2) to develop the necessary skills used in valuing derivative contracts, and (3) to understand a wide variety of issues related to risk management and investment decisions using derivatives and structured products.
Entrepreneurial Incubation Lab
International Field Project
With shifting global economic patterns, the knowledge and field experience in different countries and economic regions is inevitable to be successful on an international and local scale. The international field project is a practical course, which proceeds by visiting companies and institutions to learn about businesses and public services and collect data which serves as a basis for course work. It also gives a cultural perspective and encourages observing international differences in markets, objectives, and operations. Classroom teaching, prereading literature and reviewing current events lay the foundation, but the main pedagogic concept is to analyze companies and institutions visited and extract lessons learned. This can mean the application of best practices back home, the assessment of opportunities for Chinese companies in the visited counties and how to build closer professional and personal ties. Ideally, students already have a sound knowledge of professional practices and some core MBA curriculum subjects, so they can apply and calibrate this in a new context and realities outside the classroom. Further, global contexts will be discussed and the relation to trade agreements and initiatives such as the “One Belt, one Road Initiative”. *International Field Project is an elective course for Part-time students
Investments and Asset Allocation
Managing Black Swans
This course aims to help business leaders and policy makers to improve their decision making under extreme uncertainty. It synthesizes the recent research on Black Swan events and develops ideas and tools for managing them. It will deal with the following questions. What are Black Swan events? How do they affect investment, business and society? What can we do to make better decisions in the world full of Black Swan events?
Online Business Strategy
This course is designed to allow students of all levels to become familiar with the fundamental role of technological advancements in today’s business environments. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into business processes, managers and leaders alike must be able to understand and communicate the enabling potential of these tools. This course provides an introductory training for such purposes. Topics of this course cover the fundamental challenges faced by businesses operating in the online environment, new opportunities and threats arising from social media, and strategic considerations in offering web-based services and information goods.
Renewable Energy Finance
The goal of this course is to provide students an introduction to the topic of renewable energy finance and develop the concepts and practical tools that are essential in this field. The course contains lectures, problem solving exercises, cases, and academic paper reading. Lectures and exercises are used to develop the basic skills, academic paper reading deepens the understanding, and case analyses improves the decision-making ability under complex real-world situations. The course will be case intensive and requires a substantial amount of reading and discussions. The course assumes that students already have a good knowledge and understanding about basic finance concepts, such as net present value and investment valuation.
Turnaround Management and Corporate Resilience
This course is designed to train you to design and execute turn around initiatives for companies in crisis and bring them back to a sustainable economic path. It covers all aspects of rescue and restructuring in a practical and hands on approach. The course has the main objective to gain the ability to design and execute turn around initiatives for companies in crisis. It is targeting executives and their advisors who are in charge of major corporate restructurings.
Advanced Negotiation
This course aims at providing a systematic introduction of concepts, theories and practices in negotiation, familiarising the students with different types of negotiations, and equipping them with toolkits of effective negotiation strategies that can be applied to various business and management contexts. The course introduces the nature and types of conflict, mechanism of conflict escalation and de-escalation, and conflict resolution styles. It follows with the discussion of the characteristics of interest-based negotiation and negotiation strategies. Differentiation will be drawn between distributive and integrative negotiation strategies, and between structured vs. non-structured negotiation contexts. The course also covers various cognitive and affective elements of negotiation that contribute to the success or failure of the practice. Specifically, students will learn cognitive biases, framing, building trust, handling difficult counterparties, power and persuasion, negotiation ethics, and third-party intervention. Some topics will be covered in the context of cross-cultural negotiation and computer-mediated negotiation to cater to the needs of today’s international business environment.
Business Intelligence and Big Data
With the rapid advances in information technologies, a massive amount of data, often known as “big data” is being generated at an unprecedented speed. There are ample opportunities for business organisations to gain managerial and strategic insights by gathering, cleaning, and analysing this data, a process known as “business intelligence.” The purpose of this course is to introduce a basic understanding of what business intelligence and big data are and how they can be applied to make intelligent business decisions and strategies. This course focuses on both the technical aspects and managerial aspects of business intelligence and big data analysis.
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
This course is to provide a multi-faceted overview of the characteristics and unique challenges of governance strategy and practices in Asia. Corporate governance topics include the institutional environment, corporate ownership, family-and state-owned enterprises, board of directors, and corporate transparency. Moreover, the topics of social responsibility, nonprofit organisations, and social enterprises will be discussed in-depth to bring this course to a forward-looking conclusion.
Disrupting Business Models with Blockchain
Entrepreneurship and Ventures
Legal Environment in Asia
Mergers and Acquisitions
Operations Analytics
This course introduces the concepts of operations management and the application of analytical techniques in solving problems an organisation faces in its operations. Operations of an organisation concern the management of the processes which convert inputs into outputs. Effective operations management involves managing people, equipment, and other resources. This course will provide students with the analytical tools needed to understand and articulate the impact of an organisation’s processes and the ability to continuously improve these processes. By introducing rigorous analytical methods and theories, this course demonstrates ways to apply structured thinking to loosely defined real-life operations processes.
Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategic human resource management (HRM) aims to maximize the value of human capital with a wide range of tools, such as the design of business models, performance measures, compensation systems, and workplace rules. This course covers the content knowledge in the following topics: (1) how to use people factors to upgrade the business models in the digital economy era, (2) how to use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to enhance human productivity and firm performance, (3) how to select a person who will perform well and stay long, (4) how to design compensation structures for organizations and design monetary and non-monetary incentives for individuals, and (5) how to gamify the workplace with a human-focused, rather than a function-focused mindset, etc. The course offers a lot of interactive opportunities to apply what we learned to solve problems in different case scenarios.
Venture Capital and Private Equity
Private Equity (PE), including Venture Capital (VC), has become an increasingly important asset class for most institutional investors. This course shall focus on the most recent developments in the PEVC industry and also provide an overview to students. This course shall examine how PE and VC work, mitigate risks, and generate returns and it will also discuss the processes ranging from screening to exiting deals. The objective of the course is for students to gain deep knowledge of PEVC from not only case studies and model simulations, but also experiential learning similar to that of field PEVC professionals through students’ team collaboration to experience the art of negotiating and closing deals, which aims to mimic the real-world situation.
Artificial Intelligence for Business Leaders
This course aims to provide students with an overview of the main branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as explore use cases and practical business implementation within different industries and technologies to better understand the coming AI Human-centric revolution. Students will be able to identify and leverage AI to enhance and/or disrupt business models and whole industries while keeping in mind social and ethical dimensions for the greater good of the world. The course is also intended to aid the thinking and personal development of students so that they are better able to adapt to the future job market and shape the societal systems of tomorrow.
Business Valuation
This course is designed to help students conduct valuation using financial statements. The course introduces concepts, tools, and skills used for analysing financial statements. Topics cover strategy, accounting, and financial analysis; forecasting financial performance; valuation theory and practice; as well as business valuation in a private equity setting. Students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts and skills in analysing financial statements and valuing real companies in the course. This course will be useful for students who are interested in firms’ valuation, and particularly for those interested in finance and entrepreneurship.
Decoding Branding in the New Era
This course combines the most critical theories as well as the most current marketing topics, including branding in the digital age, emergence of disruptive brands, brand management during economic turmoil, CSR and sustainability, big data and big branding, the art and science of branding, and Post COVID-19 branding insights, etc. With the increasing importance of the China market to any organisation, this course will also analyse the latest market development in China and how brand-owners can better prepare themselves to seize the substantial business opportunities in China. Throughout the course, the concept of branding will be thoroughly examined holistically.
Effective ESG – Assessing, Advising & Leading
ESG, Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing
Global Marketing Management
Management Consulting for Consultants and Managers
Multinational Enterprises Strategy
This course is designed to broaden students’ understanding of the issues related to the management of multinational enterprises. The emphasis is on the global business environment and its impacts on multinational enterprises’ strategy, structure, and functions. First, the course discusses the political, economic, and cultural environments in which multinational enterprises operate. Second, it examines the strategy and organisation of multinational enterprises, including entry strategies, international alliances, organisation structures, and control in multinational enterprises. Third, it examines the management of people in multinational enterprises, including motivation and decision-making in the international context.
Supply Chain Management
Real Estate Finance
The objective of this course is to develop an analytical framework by which students can make sound real estate investment decisions. The main emphases of the course are theory, concept-building, financial modelling, and practical application. In particular, class discussions will cover the following areas in real estate: Real estate markets and investments, appraisals, and development, Institutional aspects of real estate finance, Mortgage Markets, Mortgage-Backed Securities, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Real Estate Transactions, Valuation of Land, Valuation of Income Producing Properties, and Redevelopment of Real Estate.